You woke up this morning to see three new offers from Supercell. Let’s break them down and see where you get the most value for your money.
Note: You cannot buy a chest with dollars, you have to buy gems first and then buy the chest with gems. I estimated the retail cost of the chest based on cost of the gems included in the same offer.
“X2 Value” Offer | Gem Value | Retail Cost | Offer Cost |
Bucket of Gems | 1200 | $10 | $5 |
Giant Chest | 490 | $4.08 | n/a |
Total Value | 1690 | $14.08 | $5 |
Gem Value / $1 Spent | 120 | 338 |
With the “X2 Value” offer you’re getting a Bucket of Gems at half price with Giant Chest thrown in for free. It’s “X2 Value” on the Bucket of Gems alone!
“X3 Value” Offer | Gem Value | Retail Cost | Offer Cost |
Barrel of Gems | 2500 | $20 | $10 |
Magical Chest | 800 | $6.40 | n/a |
Total Value | 3200 | $26.40 | $10 |
Gem Value / $1 Spent | 121 | 320 |
With the “X3 Value” offer you’re getting a Barrel of Gems at half price with a Magical Chest thrown in for free. By my math, it’s a little short of the advertised “X3 Value” but that really depends on the dollar value that Supercell is using for the Magical Chest. Anyway you look at it, the gem value per dollar spent is a little less in the “X3” offer than in the “X2” offer.
“X4 Value” Offer | Gem Value | Retail Cost | Offer Cost |
Wagon of Gems | 6500 | $50 | $20 |
Super Magical Chest | 4600 | $35.38 | n/a |
Total Value | 11100 | $85.38 | $20 |
Gem Value / $1 Spent | 130 | 555 |
It should come as no surprise that if you’re willing to spend more money, you’re going to get the best value. The “X4 Value” offer is the same as getting 60% off a Wagon of Gems with a Super Magical Chest for free. By my math, you’re actually getting 4.27 times the retail value of the items in this offer! You’re going to get more than 200 gem value per dollar than either of the other offers.
If you’re going to spend the money anyway, it makes sense to pick up all of these packages right now while they are discounted.
Electro Wizard Considerations
You may be considering an offer with a larger chest because of a higher Legendary Card drop rate. Electro Wizard becomes available in chests in 8 days. These offers end in 5 days. You cannot get an Electro Wizard by purchasing any of these offers because the chests open immediately. Or can you…
The Electro Wizard Challenge starts tomorrow and you can unlock him by getting 12 wins in the challenge. Once you unlock the card in the challenge you can start pulling him in chests.
Orange Juice Gaming “Electro Wizard Challenge Explained“