New Clan Badge?

Help choose our new clan badge

Our current badge matches the clan that I belong to on Clash of Clans. I chose it here to help players from that clan find this new Royale clan. At this point, anyone who would have made that move has done it and we no longer need a badge that identifies us with that clan. Furthermore, there is another “North Carolina” clan using the same badge. So, lets get our own badge!

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Technicolor Clan Chat

How to use COLORS in clan chat

In your battles, you may have noticed some players with colored names. It was recently discovered that Clash Royale has some specialized markup that changes the color of the text. You should be very careful when using these color tags to change your player name. You can only change it one time and you could get stuck with an error. However, you can safely use these tags in clan chat. Continue reading Technicolor Clan Chat